Ha! Are You Psychic, or What?

Source: Pinterest

If I were truly psychic, I certainly wouldn't have made some of the mistakes I've made in life; however, I'm excited about what I foresee in terms of my upcoming releases. The "Orlosian Warriors" novella, "Outreach," will be available for pre-order very soon, and close on its heels, "Gideon's Light: Orlosian Warriors Bk.3" will be available. Also, I've been working up to this for some time now, and I hope I haven't lost all my "Dark Sentinels" series fans: 

"Dark Sentinels Book Three: Parrish," will finally be available for pre-order early this Fall. I've stalled on this sequel because it was originally meant to be the last in the series. Since I've been working on it, though, it's morphed into something bigger, and one more book will be necessary after it. 

For now, though, take this fun quiz and share your results with me in comments. I'd better get back to writing :-)
